Sponsor Us

Sponsor Us
Help us to help you.
As a charity we are reliant on the generosity of local businesses, member support and successful grant applications. Your donation, big or small, will help us save lives by ensuring our volunteer Surf Lifeguards are fully trained and supported with what they need to make a lifesaving rescue or to prevent a drowning on our beach. If you would like to show your support we have some payment options for you below:
Deposit to the Club Bank Account:
Ocean Beach Kiwi Surf Life Saving Club
Particulars: Donation
Reference: Your Name
Code: Your Phone Number
Please email us to let us know about your donation
Donate Online through internet banking:
We are a registered Charity under the Charities Commission and all donations are tax deductable. You will be provided with a receipt for your accounting records.
Ocean Beach Kiwi SLSC is a Incorporated Society (HN/227602) and Registered Charity (CC27359)

A massive thanks to all of our sponsors – we couldn’t do it without you!