Surf Lifeguard Award
Surf Lifeguard Award Exam Components:
- 400m pool swim under 9 minutes
- Run-Swim-Run in the Surf
- Tube Rescue in the pool and surf
- First Aid and CPR
- Communication Signals
- Radio Communication
- Theory questions
- Rescue tows and releases
Surf Lifeguard Award Topics Covered:
- Health, safety, welfare and risk management
- Roles and responsibilities
- Surf environment
- Communications
- Rescue equipment
- Surf lifeguard skills
- First Aid
Surf Lifeguard Award Outcomes:
- At the completion of the qualification candidates will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of health, safety, welfare and risk management for all surf lifeguards.
- Identify and describe the roles and responsibilities you will encounter while on patrol and your responsibilities as members of SLSNZ.
- Describe the features of the surf environment.
- Demonstrate knowledge of effective communication and how to communicate effectively.
- Demonstrate knowledge of effective scanning techniques and patient identification.
- Communicate using a two-way radio.
- Demonstrate signals used for communication.
- Perform releases and towns in an aquatic environment.
- Perform a tube rescue.
- Provide resuscitation (no unit standards).
- Provide first aid (n o unit standards).
- Mange first aid in emergency situations.
Once you’ve passed all the exam components, you’ll be encouraged to download the Heja App Team Code RU-338515 to submit your availability. You will be issued a uniform also.
We are committed to ongoing learning within Surf Life Saving too, from lifesaving, first aid, coaching and instruction, to leadership, teamwork and communication, our training will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life.
You are eligible as a surf lifeguard to compete in Surf Sports events and enjoy access to regular coaching programmes.
Each year every active lifeguard must refresh their skills to ensure that they are aware of changes in policy or processes, that they are fit and can perform rescues.
The Director of Lifeguarding is responsible for ensuring all active members who both patrol or compete are refreshed. These refreshers must be completed by 30 January each year.
Refreshers are normally completed in November and December and require the completion of the following tests;
- 400metre pool swim or run-swim-run at the beach
- 25 question theory exam
- CPR test
- First aid practical test
- Radio and signals practical test
The theory test is now completed online in the SLSNZ portal. Once signed into the portal, look for eTrainu under the Online Learning heading.
Useful links:
SLSNZ Website:
How to sign in:
You will need to know your Surf Life Saving membership number. Please contact if you are unsure of your membership number.